Factores socioeconómicos y la disposición a pagar para el mejoramiento del servicio de agua potable en las asociaciones pro-viviendas – Jass Rocatarpeya del distrito de Santiago, Cusco 2023
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
La investigación tuvo como objetivo, determinar si la disposición a pagar de las familias es suficiente para costear las mejoras del servicio de agua potable en las zonas de estudio y cuáles son los principales factores que la explican. La metodología utilizada es de tipo aplicada y descriptiva, con un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal y enfoque cuantitativo. La población estuvo conformada por la JASS Rocatarpeya que consta de cuatro Asociaciones Pro-Viviendas: Erapata, Las Américas, Villa Cesar y Valle Hermoso que constituyen un total de 500 usuarios. Para estimar la DAP se utilizó el método valoración contingente, mediante un modelo Logit, con una muestra de 250 personas jefes de familia. Asimismo, se determinó el costo de las obras necesarias para mejorar la calidad del servicio de agua potable en las poblaciones indicadas, y se comparó dichos costos con la DAP estimada. La estimación de la DAP resultó significativa al 95% de confiabilidad, con un valor chi2 inferior al valor crítico de 0,05. Las variables significativas para la DAP fueron: el ingreso (0,002), la edad (0,041) y la satisfacción (0,009) siendo sus valores P>|z| <0,05. La disposición a pagar media resultó ser de 20 soles. Por otra parte, el análisis costo-beneficio del “Proyecto de Mejoramiento y Ampliación del Servicio de Agua Potable en la JASS Rocatarpeya”, considerando que la JASS financia el 100% del proyecto, arrojó un VAN de -S/. 6,901,242 y una TIR de -33.5%, lo cual indica que el proyecto no es viable. Sin embargo, si la inversión es subsidiada al 100% por una entidad estatal, el VAN resulta positivo (S/. 259,776), haciendo viable el proyecto. Además, con el financiamiento estatal, el costo unitario para atender a 500 usuarios mediante el método de costo-efectividad es de S/. 15,057. Los resultados muestran que el proyecto requiere cofinanciamiento de alguna entidad estatal, puesto que, aunque la población de la JASS se encuentra dispuesta a incrementar su cuota familiar, la disposición a pagar estimada resultó ser insuficiente para cubrir el costo de la inversión para las mejoras requeridas en el servicio de agua potable. Sin embargo, la DAP si resultó suficiente para cubrir los costos de operación, mantenimiento y administración.
This thesis is aimed to determine whether families' willingness to pay for water supply is sufficient to bear the cost of necessary improvements in the water service for the area of study, also, we study what are the main factors that explain WTP. The methodology used is applied and descriptive, with a non-experimental design, and a cross-section quantitative approach. The population for the study is the JASS Rocatarpeya water supply users, that includes four Pro-Housing Associations: Erapata, Las Américas, Villa Cesar and Valle Hermoso, a total of 500 water supply users. We use the contingent valuation method with a Logit Model on a sample of 250 households. In addition, the cost of the works necessary to improve the quality of the drinking water service in the indicated populations was determined, and these costs were compared with the estimated WTP. Results show that the Logit model is significant at 95% reliability, with a chi2 value lower than the 0.05 critical value. The variables significant for the WTP were: income (0.002), age (0.041) and satisfaction (0.009) with values P>|z| <0.05. The average willingness to pay turned out to be 20 soles. On the other hand, the cost-benefit analysis of the “Project to Improve and Expand the Drinking Water Service in the JASS Rocatarpeya”, considering that the JASS finances 100% of the project, showed an NPV of -S/. 6,901,242 and an IRR of -33.5%, which indicates that the project is not viable. However, if the investment is 100% subsidized by a state entity, the NPV is positive (S/. 259,776), making the project viable. Furthermore, with state financing, the unit cost to serve 500 users using the cost-effectiveness method is S/. 15,057. The results obtained show that co-financing from a government institution is required to carry out the required improvements. This is because, despite the population of the JASS is willing to increase their family quota for water supply services, their WTP turned out to be insufficient to cover for the investment costs involved in improving the drinking water service. Nevertheless, their WTP is high enough to pay for the costs of operation, maintenance and administration.
This thesis is aimed to determine whether families' willingness to pay for water supply is sufficient to bear the cost of necessary improvements in the water service for the area of study, also, we study what are the main factors that explain WTP. The methodology used is applied and descriptive, with a non-experimental design, and a cross-section quantitative approach. The population for the study is the JASS Rocatarpeya water supply users, that includes four Pro-Housing Associations: Erapata, Las Américas, Villa Cesar and Valle Hermoso, a total of 500 water supply users. We use the contingent valuation method with a Logit Model on a sample of 250 households. In addition, the cost of the works necessary to improve the quality of the drinking water service in the indicated populations was determined, and these costs were compared with the estimated WTP. Results show that the Logit model is significant at 95% reliability, with a chi2 value lower than the 0.05 critical value. The variables significant for the WTP were: income (0.002), age (0.041) and satisfaction (0.009) with values P>|z| <0.05. The average willingness to pay turned out to be 20 soles. On the other hand, the cost-benefit analysis of the “Project to Improve and Expand the Drinking Water Service in the JASS Rocatarpeya”, considering that the JASS finances 100% of the project, showed an NPV of -S/. 6,901,242 and an IRR of -33.5%, which indicates that the project is not viable. However, if the investment is 100% subsidized by a state entity, the NPV is positive (S/. 259,776), making the project viable. Furthermore, with state financing, the unit cost to serve 500 users using the cost-effectiveness method is S/. 15,057. The results obtained show that co-financing from a government institution is required to carry out the required improvements. This is because, despite the population of the JASS is willing to increase their family quota for water supply services, their WTP turned out to be insufficient to cover for the investment costs involved in improving the drinking water service. Nevertheless, their WTP is high enough to pay for the costs of operation, maintenance and administration.
Palabras clave
Condición socioeconómica, Agua potable, Abastecimiento de agua, Salud pública, Análisis costo beneficio, Análisis económico, Cusco (Perú : Departamento), Economía
Huamani, K. y Soria, Y. (2024). Factores socioeconómicos y la disposición a pagar para el mejoramiento del servicio de agua potable en las asociaciones pro-viviendas – Jass Rocatarpeya del distrito de Santiago, Cusco 2023 [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12833/2676