Percepciones sobre el juego infantil en madres primerizas de infantes de 1 a 3 años de un PRONOEI de Cercado de Lima
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
El estudio exploró las percepciones del juego infantil en madres primerizas, desde un enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron 12 entrevistas semiestructuradas a 12 mujeres, con un hijo o hija de 1 a 3 años de edad, quienes forman parte de un programa no escolarizado del nivel inicial de Cercado de Lima. Partiendo de una aproximación sistémica, el estudio reconoce al juego infantil como un fenómeno complejo en el que se relacionan diversas dimensiones. Los resultados muestran que las madres participantes perciben el juego tanto como entretenimiento, así como medio de aprendizaje, felicidad o tiempo de amor. Las madres hacen referencia a experiencias renovadas de juego frente a su propia experiencia infantil, ofreciendo diversos objetos de juego, tiempo de juego, solitario o en compañía, dando cuenta de diferentes formas de interacción, tanto en el hogar como en los espacios públicos. El estudio también muestra la valoración de las madres sobre diversos aspectos que el juego puede aportar al bienestar y desarrollo del niño, principalmente la dimensión cognitiva, pero también se hace referencia a las dimensiones social, motora y emocional. Como principal dificultad las madres identifican la ausencia de espacios públicos seguros y adecuados para niños y niñas pequeños, cercanos al hogar.
This study explored perceptions of children`s play within a group of first-time new mothers from a phenomenological perspective. Twelve semi-structured interviews were made to study 12 women with a son or daughter between 1 and 3 years old, who are part of a non-school program of the initial level in Lima Cercado. Based on a systemic approach, the study recognizes children's play as a complex phenomenon in which several dimensions. The results show that participating mothers perceive children's play as entertainment and as a means of learning, happiness or time of love. The mothers report renewed experiences of play in relation their own childhood experience, by offering diverse play objects, time of play, alone or in company, and pointing out different types and forms of interaction during play, both at home and in the public spaces. Likewise, the study shows that mothers' value how play can contribute to the well-being and development of children, mainly the cognitive dimension, but also reference is made to the social, motor and emotional dimensions. As the main difficulty, mothers identify the absence of safe and adequate public spaces for children during early childhood stages, close to home.
This study explored perceptions of children`s play within a group of first-time new mothers from a phenomenological perspective. Twelve semi-structured interviews were made to study 12 women with a son or daughter between 1 and 3 years old, who are part of a non-school program of the initial level in Lima Cercado. Based on a systemic approach, the study recognizes children's play as a complex phenomenon in which several dimensions. The results show that participating mothers perceive children's play as entertainment and as a means of learning, happiness or time of love. The mothers report renewed experiences of play in relation their own childhood experience, by offering diverse play objects, time of play, alone or in company, and pointing out different types and forms of interaction during play, both at home and in the public spaces. Likewise, the study shows that mothers' value how play can contribute to the well-being and development of children, mainly the cognitive dimension, but also reference is made to the social, motor and emotional dimensions. As the main difficulty, mothers identify the absence of safe and adequate public spaces for children during early childhood stages, close to home.
Palabras clave
Teoría de juegos, Juegos educativos, Maternidad, Percepción, Primera infancia, Desarrollo infantil, Programas no escolarizados, Cercado de Lima, Lima (Perú : Distrito), Psicología
Aragon, S. (2024). Percepciones sobre el juego infantil en madres primerizas de infantes de 1 a 3 años de un PRONOEI de Cercado de Lima [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.