Aplicación de 5S y TPM para incrementar la productividad en el proceso de obtención del caolín en una cantera
Nuñez Mandarachi, Mariley Tania
Quispe Meza, Mili
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
La aplicación de 5S y TPM para incrementar la productividad del proceso de obtención de caolín en la Unidad Minera no metálica denominada Cantera Fiorella 501, que pertenece a la compañía Minera Sayarumi S.A.C el cual es explotado por la empresa contratista Transport Macazana S.A.C. (en adelante Macazana) es el objetivo de esta tesis. Consta de los siguientes capítulos: introducción, planteamiento del problema, marco teórico, metodología, implementación de 5S y TPM, resultados, discusión, conclusiones y recomendaciones. El caolín se obtiene de cuatro subprocesos: extracción, carguío de material a granel-acarreo, chancado y carguío de material chancado. La investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, explicativo, diseño preexperimental y temporalidad longitudinal, porque se tiene datos del antes y después de la implementación de la mejora. Al realizar el diagnóstico inicial en la empresa se obtuvo 77.75% de productividad y con la implementación de 5S y TPM en sus tres dimensiones: capacitación y entrenamiento, mantenimiento autónomo y mejoras enfocadas se logró incrementar al 86.17%, mejorando los indicadores de eficacia de 87.42% a 93.74% y eficiencia de 88.94% a 91.71%. Se obtuvo el VAN de la inversión de S/.4,012 con un TIR mensual del 5.67% y costo/beneficio de 1.22.
The implementation 5S and TPM to increase the productivity of the process of obtaining Kaolin in the non-metallic mining unit called Cantera Fiorella 501, which belongs to the company Minera Sayarumi S.A.C and is worked by the contractor company Transport Macazana S.A.C. is the objective of this research. It consists of the following chapters: introduction, theoretical basis, methodology, implementation 5S and TPM, results, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. Kaolin is obtained from four sub-processes: extraction, loading of bulk material, crushing, and loading of crushed material. The research is quantitative, explanatory, of pre-experimental design and of longitudinal temporality, because there are data from before and after the implementation of the improvement. When making the initial diagnosis in the company was obtained a 77.75% of productivity and with the implementation 5S and TPM in its three dimensions: skills development (training), autonomous maintenance and continuous improvement, the productivity increased to 86.17%, improving effectiveness from 87.42% to 93.74% and efficiency from 88.94% to 91.71%. Finally, it was obtained the VAN of the investment S/.4,012 with a monthly TIR 5.67% and a cost/profit 1.22.
The implementation 5S and TPM to increase the productivity of the process of obtaining Kaolin in the non-metallic mining unit called Cantera Fiorella 501, which belongs to the company Minera Sayarumi S.A.C and is worked by the contractor company Transport Macazana S.A.C. is the objective of this research. It consists of the following chapters: introduction, theoretical basis, methodology, implementation 5S and TPM, results, discussion, conclusions, and recommendations. Kaolin is obtained from four sub-processes: extraction, loading of bulk material, crushing, and loading of crushed material. The research is quantitative, explanatory, of pre-experimental design and of longitudinal temporality, because there are data from before and after the implementation of the improvement. When making the initial diagnosis in the company was obtained a 77.75% of productivity and with the implementation 5S and TPM in its three dimensions: skills development (training), autonomous maintenance and continuous improvement, the productivity increased to 86.17%, improving effectiveness from 87.42% to 93.74% and efficiency from 88.94% to 91.71%. Finally, it was obtained the VAN of the investment S/.4,012 with a monthly TIR 5.67% and a cost/profit 1.22.
Palabras clave
Lean manufacturing, Procesos de manufactura, Productividad, Control de la producción, Empresas, Minería, Ingeniería industrial
Nuñez, M. y Quispe, M. (2023). Aplicación de 5S y TPM para incrementar la productividad en el proceso de obtención del caolín en una cantera [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12833/2541