Creencias sobre la muerte en el adulto mayor albergado en una residencia geriátrica en Lima Metropolitana
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender las creencias sobre la muerte de un grupo de adultos mayores albergados en una residencia geriátrica de Lima Metropolitana. La metodología utilizada fue de tipo cualitativa y diseño hermenéutico. Para el análisis se tomó una muestra de once adultos mayores de ambos sexos cuyas edades fluctuaron entre los 72 y 95 años. El instrumento de recolección de datos que se aplicó fue la entrevista semi estructurada con preguntas abiertas. Los resultados se organizaron en cuatro dimensiones; la primera señaló que los adultos mayores creen que al llegar a la vejez se convierten en personas vulnerables; la segunda, que las creencias religiosas que existen en torno a la muerte ayudan a los adultos mayores a aceptar mejor este proceso en comparación con lo que no profesan una religión; tercero, esta población cree que la muerte es el fin de sus sufrimientos, y finalmente, los miedos y ansiedades que trae consigo los pensamientos sobre la muerte dependerá de la historia personal de cada individuo. La investigación concluye que las creencias sobre la muerte en el adulto mayor están influenciadas por su entorno social, experiencias personales, percepción de la vejez y por la religión que profesan.
The present study aimed to understand the beliefs about death of a group of elderly people from a geriatric residence in Metropolitan Lima. The methodology used was qualitative and hermeneutic design. For the research analysis, a sample of eleven older adults of both sexes, ranging in age from 72 to 95 years, was sought. The data collection instrument applied was the semi-structured interview with open-ended questions. The results were organized in four dimensions; the first one pointed out that older adults believe that when they reach old age they become vulnerable; second, that religious beliefs surrounding death help older adults to accept this process better than those who do not profess a religion; thirdly, this population believes that death is the end of their suffering; and finally, the fears and anxieties that come with thoughts about death will depend on the personal history of each individual. The research concludes that beliefs about death in these elderly are influenced by their social environment, personal experiences, perception of old age and the religion they profess.
The present study aimed to understand the beliefs about death of a group of elderly people from a geriatric residence in Metropolitan Lima. The methodology used was qualitative and hermeneutic design. For the research analysis, a sample of eleven older adults of both sexes, ranging in age from 72 to 95 years, was sought. The data collection instrument applied was the semi-structured interview with open-ended questions. The results were organized in four dimensions; the first one pointed out that older adults believe that when they reach old age they become vulnerable; second, that religious beliefs surrounding death help older adults to accept this process better than those who do not profess a religion; thirdly, this population believes that death is the end of their suffering; and finally, the fears and anxieties that come with thoughts about death will depend on the personal history of each individual. The research concludes that beliefs about death in these elderly are influenced by their social environment, personal experiences, perception of old age and the religion they profess.
Palabras clave
Muerte, Creencia, Adulto mayor, Servicios geriátricos, Lima Metropolitana, Área (Perú), Psicología
Calderon, I. (2024). Creencias sobre la muerte en el adulto mayor albergado en una residencia geriátrica en Lima Metropolitana [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.