El funcionario activista: la tecnocracia en las políticas de justicia transicional
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
En Perú no son numerosos los estudios que analicen a las políticas públicas desde su componente humano: los funcionarios públicos. Recientemente, las ciencias sociales, y en especial la Ciencia Política, han asumido la tarea de conocer a profundidad a los actores estatales. De manera similar, en la Justicia Transicional son contados los estudios que hagan énfasis en los actores estatales involucrados en dicha temática. En ese sentido, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal dar a conocer el proceso de implementación de las políticas públicas de Justicias Transicional (PJT) haciendo énfasis en los funcionarios partícipes en la implementación de esta política. Para lograr ello, esta investigación de carácter cualitativa, recurre entrevistas a profundidad semiestructuradas efectuadas a once funcionarios públicos y a cuatro activistas en la temática. También se realizó análisis documentario y legal sobre las normas, herramientas e informes que constituyen las PJT e informes realizados por la Sociedad Civil vinculada al tema.
Así, se encontró que, durante la implementación de las PJT, se constituyó un perfil particular de funcionario público “tecnócrata” al cual la presente investigación denomina “el funcionario activista”. A través del análisis de este perfil, se puede entender más a fondo cómo funcionan estas políticas y cómo es que este tipo de funcionario contribuye positivamente al fortalecimiento de la relación Estado-Ciudadano.
In Peru, there are not many studies that analyze public policies from their human component: public officials. Recently, the social sciences, and especially political science, have taken on the task of getting to know state actors in depth. Similarly, in Transitional Justice, there are few studies that emphasize the state actors involved in this issue. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to publicize the process of implementation of the public policies of Transitional Justice (PJT), emphasizing the officials involved in the implementation of this policy. To achieve this, this qualitative research uses semi-structured in-depth interviews with eleven public officials and four activists on the subject. Documentary and legal analysis was also carried out on the norms, tools and reports that constitute the PJT and reports made by the Civil Society linked to the issue. Thus, it was found that, during the implementation of the PJT, a particular profile of "technocrat" public official was constituted, which this research calls "the activist official". Through the analysis of this profile, it is possible to understand more deeply how these policies work and how this type of official contributes positively to the strengthening of the State-Citizen relationship.
In Peru, there are not many studies that analyze public policies from their human component: public officials. Recently, the social sciences, and especially political science, have taken on the task of getting to know state actors in depth. Similarly, in Transitional Justice, there are few studies that emphasize the state actors involved in this issue. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to publicize the process of implementation of the public policies of Transitional Justice (PJT), emphasizing the officials involved in the implementation of this policy. To achieve this, this qualitative research uses semi-structured in-depth interviews with eleven public officials and four activists on the subject. Documentary and legal analysis was also carried out on the norms, tools and reports that constitute the PJT and reports made by the Civil Society linked to the issue. Thus, it was found that, during the implementation of the PJT, a particular profile of "technocrat" public official was constituted, which this research calls "the activist official". Through the analysis of this profile, it is possible to understand more deeply how these policies work and how this type of official contributes positively to the strengthening of the State-Citizen relationship.
Palabras clave
Funcionarios públicos, Políticas públicas, Tecnocracia, Justicia transicional, Perú, Ciencia política
Alarcon, M. (2024). El funcionario activista: la tecnocracia en las políticas de justicia transicional [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12833/2666