Comportamiento lector : aspectos que contribuyen al logro de la animación a la lectura en el desarrollo del Plan Lector desde la precepción de los y las estudiantes del 3°grado de secundaria del Colegio Fe y Alegría N° 39
Trujillo Melgar, Marcela Lucía
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
El presente trabajo de investigación busca poner de relieve una problemática que afecta al país pues, se observa tanto en pruebas nacionales como internacionales (ECE y PISA) que la comprensión lectora aún se encuentra en niveles muy bajos en relación a si los y las estudiantes comprenden lo que leen. Para comprender esta situación es importante conocer que durante el año 2006 se promulgó, en el marco del Programa de Emergencia Educativa, la Directiva sobre normas para la organización y aplicación del Plan Lector en las Instituciones Educativas de la EBR. En esta directiva se contemplaron todos los lineamientos a tener en cuenta para la correcta implementación del Plan Lector, estrategia a través de la cual se podría abarcar la problemática que sufría la lectura en nuestro país. Sin embargo, después de diez años, podemos comprobar con cifras estadísticas que dicho problema aún no se ha resuelto y que, además, el Plan Lector, como veremos más adelante, no se implementa de manera adecuada de acuerdo a los lineamientos establecidos. Ante ello, se propone el estudio del Comportamiento Lector y su vinculación con la Animación a la Lectura como respuesta a esta problemática.
This research aims to highlight the problem that affects the country because it is observed in both national and international tests (ECE and PISA) that reading comprehension is still at very low levels in relation to if students understand what they read. In order to understand this situation, it is important to know that during 2006, under the Emergency Education Program, the Directive on standards for the organization and application of the Reader Plan in the Educational Institutions of the EBR was promulgated. This directive contemplated all the guidelines to be taken into account for the correct implementation of the Reader Plan, a strategy through which the problematic of reading in our country could be covered. However, after ten years, we can verify with statistical figures that this problem has not been solved and that, in addition, the Reader Plan, as we will see below, is not implemented in the appropriate way according to the established guidelines. In view of this, it is proposed the study of Reader Behavior and its link with the Animation to Reading in response to this problem
This research aims to highlight the problem that affects the country because it is observed in both national and international tests (ECE and PISA) that reading comprehension is still at very low levels in relation to if students understand what they read. In order to understand this situation, it is important to know that during 2006, under the Emergency Education Program, the Directive on standards for the organization and application of the Reader Plan in the Educational Institutions of the EBR was promulgated. This directive contemplated all the guidelines to be taken into account for the correct implementation of the Reader Plan, a strategy through which the problematic of reading in our country could be covered. However, after ten years, we can verify with statistical figures that this problem has not been solved and that, in addition, the Reader Plan, as we will see below, is not implemented in the appropriate way according to the established guidelines. In view of this, it is proposed the study of Reader Behavior and its link with the Animation to Reading in response to this problem
Palabras clave
Promoción de la lectura, Animación a la lectura, Lectura, Perú, Educación
Trujillo, M. (2017). Comportamiento lector : aspectos que contribuyen al logro de la animación a la lectura en el desarrollo del Plan Lector desde la precepción de los y las estudiantes del 3°grado de secundaria del Colegio Fe y Alegría N° 39 [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.