Las danzas folklóricas como estrategia pedagógica utilizada por los y las docentes para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural y lingüística de los niños y niñas de cuatro y cinco años en una I.E.I. del distrito de Haquira, Provincia de Cotabambas, Apurímac 2019
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
Esta investigación tiene como propósito analizar de qué manera las danzas folklóricas como estrategia pedagógica fortalece la identidad cultural y lingüística de los niños y niñas de cuatro y cinco años en una I.E.I del distrito Haquira, Apurímac. Resumen o resúmen
Se desarrolló desde un enfoque cualitativo, debido a que busca brindar un acercamiento descriptivo riguroso. El estudio se orienta a observar conocimientos culturales y lingüísticos de los estudiantes, para ello se aplicaron instrumentos de observación y entrevista a las docentes.
Producto de este proceso riguroso de observación para la obtención de datos, se puede afirmar que las danzas folklóricas cumplen un rol fundamental en la identidad cultural de los niños, puesto que las docentes usan la danza y la canción como estrategia pedagógica para revitalizar, fortalecer y vigorizar las prácticas culturales y lingüísticas. De esta manera, se promueve el respeto y el valor de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe; puesto que, los niños al bailar y cantar construyen su identidad personal, local y regional. Además, es un aspecto motivador y fortalecedor no solo en el ámbito cultural; sino también en el ámbito personal, es decir, en diferentes dimensiones del desarrollo del niño como: la lingüística, social, afectiva, motriz y cognitiva.
The purpose of this research work is to explore how folk dances as a pedagogical strategy strengthen the cultural and linguistic identity of boys and girls aged four and five in an I.E.I in the Haquira district, Apurímac. It was developed from a qualitative approach, since it seeks to provide a rigorous descriptive approach. The study is oriented to observe cultural and linguistic knowledge of the students, for this, observation and interview instruments were applied to the teachers. As a result of this rigorous process of observation to obtain data, it can be affirmed that folk dances play a fundamental role in the cultural identity of children, since teachers use dance and song as a pedagogical strategy to revitalize, strengthen and invigorate cultural and linguistic practices. In this way, the respect and value of Intercultural Bilingual Education is promoted; since, by dancing and singing, children build their personal, local and regional identity. Furthermore, it is a motivating and strengthening aspect not only in the cultural field; but also in the personal sphere, that is, in different dimensions of the child's development such as: linguistic, social, affective, motor and cognitive.
Kay tesis nisqaqa yachayta maskarin imaynatas runakunaq tusuyninkuta yachachiqkuna chaninchasqankumantahina kallpachankuman kikinkay kawsayninkumanta, rimayninkumantapacha wawakunaq tawa chaymanta pisqa watayuqpi. Rurakurqantaqmi enfoque cualitativo nisqawan, ichaqa kikinman asuykuspa, qawarispa, tapurispa taqwikun irqikunaq kawsaynin, rimaynin, yachaynin, ruraynin imata; chaypaqmi qillqakurqan qawanakuna chaymanta tapukuykuna yachachiqkunapaq. Hinallataq kay yachaqa riqsichikamun Haquira llaqtapi imaymana tusuykunamanta, ichaqa imaynatas kay tusuykunata yachachiqkuna kallpachankuman, sapichankuman llapan yachapakuqkunapi kawsayninkuta, rimayninkuta, tusuyninkuta, takiyninkuta ama chinkachispa. Chaymi, yachachiqkunaqa chaninchasqankumantahina yanaparinku paykunawan tusurispa, takirispa ima. Hinallataq, allinta qawarichinku tusuyninkutapas, qichwa siminkutapas takiwan kuska takirispa, imaymana raymikunapi, atipanakuykunapi kallparichinku kikinkay kawsayninkuta chaymanta rimayninkuta. Kay tusuykunaqa yanaparinmi irqikunataqa imaymana yachayñinkupi, rimayñinkupi ima. Ichaqa, yachachiqkuna, tayta mamakuna qimirinanku tukuy yachasqankumantapacha, kaysayninkuta riqsirispa, qawarispa, uyarispa, ruraspa allinta puririchinankupaq sumaq kawsayman. Hinallataqmi, kay ruraykunaqa kusirichinmi, allinyachinmi, munanachinmi, rimanachinmi hukninkunawanpas, cuerponkutapas muyurichinkun hinallataq hamutarichinmi llapan kawsayninkumanta.
The purpose of this research work is to explore how folk dances as a pedagogical strategy strengthen the cultural and linguistic identity of boys and girls aged four and five in an I.E.I in the Haquira district, Apurímac. It was developed from a qualitative approach, since it seeks to provide a rigorous descriptive approach. The study is oriented to observe cultural and linguistic knowledge of the students, for this, observation and interview instruments were applied to the teachers. As a result of this rigorous process of observation to obtain data, it can be affirmed that folk dances play a fundamental role in the cultural identity of children, since teachers use dance and song as a pedagogical strategy to revitalize, strengthen and invigorate cultural and linguistic practices. In this way, the respect and value of Intercultural Bilingual Education is promoted; since, by dancing and singing, children build their personal, local and regional identity. Furthermore, it is a motivating and strengthening aspect not only in the cultural field; but also in the personal sphere, that is, in different dimensions of the child's development such as: linguistic, social, affective, motor and cognitive.
Kay tesis nisqaqa yachayta maskarin imaynatas runakunaq tusuyninkuta yachachiqkuna chaninchasqankumantahina kallpachankuman kikinkay kawsayninkumanta, rimayninkumantapacha wawakunaq tawa chaymanta pisqa watayuqpi. Rurakurqantaqmi enfoque cualitativo nisqawan, ichaqa kikinman asuykuspa, qawarispa, tapurispa taqwikun irqikunaq kawsaynin, rimaynin, yachaynin, ruraynin imata; chaypaqmi qillqakurqan qawanakuna chaymanta tapukuykuna yachachiqkunapaq. Hinallataq kay yachaqa riqsichikamun Haquira llaqtapi imaymana tusuykunamanta, ichaqa imaynatas kay tusuykunata yachachiqkuna kallpachankuman, sapichankuman llapan yachapakuqkunapi kawsayninkuta, rimayninkuta, tusuyninkuta, takiyninkuta ama chinkachispa. Chaymi, yachachiqkunaqa chaninchasqankumantahina yanaparinku paykunawan tusurispa, takirispa ima. Hinallataq, allinta qawarichinku tusuyninkutapas, qichwa siminkutapas takiwan kuska takirispa, imaymana raymikunapi, atipanakuykunapi kallparichinku kikinkay kawsayninkuta chaymanta rimayninkuta. Kay tusuykunaqa yanaparinmi irqikunataqa imaymana yachayñinkupi, rimayñinkupi ima. Ichaqa, yachachiqkuna, tayta mamakuna qimirinanku tukuy yachasqankumantapacha, kaysayninkuta riqsirispa, qawarispa, uyarispa, ruraspa allinta puririchinankupaq sumaq kawsayman. Hinallataqmi, kay ruraykunaqa kusirichinmi, allinyachinmi, munanachinmi, rimanachinmi hukninkunawanpas, cuerponkutapas muyurichinkun hinallataq hamutarichinmi llapan kawsayninkumanta.
Palabras clave
Danzas folclóricas, Estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje, Identidad cultural, Educación intercultural bilingüe, Educación inicial, Educación
Ventura, Y. (2021). Las danzas folklóricas como estrategia pedagógica utilizada por los y las docentes para el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural y lingüística de los niños y niñas de cuatro y cinco años en una I.E.I. del distrito de Haquira, Provincia de Cotabambas, Apurímac 2019 [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.