Efectos del programa neurocientífico Fast Forword en el mejoramiento de la memoria de trabajo en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de un centro educativo privado de Lima
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
La memoria de trabajo es una función ejecutiva necesaria para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, lectura y escritura (Engle, Tuhoiski, Laughlin & Conway, 1999). En el Perú, tenemos una alta tasa de estudiantes que no pueden entender lo que leen o incluso no pueden leer correctamente para su grado escolar a pesar de estar en secundaria (MINEDU, 2014). En este estudio demostramos cómo el uso de la tecnología mediante el programa neurocientífico Fast ForWord aumenta significativamente los niveles de memoria de trabajo en sus tres dimensiones: agenda visoespacial, ejecutivo central y bucle fonológico en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de un centro educativo privado del distrito de Santiago de Surco de Lima. Los resultados de este estudio podrían ser replicados y así lograr un impacto positivo para realidades como la nuestra, donde se necesita una propuesta para reducir el bajo rendimiento lector y matemático reflejado en las pruebas PISA 2012 (MINEDU, 2014). El estudio se realizó a lo largo de 8 semanas en las cuales el grupo experimental (24 estudiantes) estuvo expuesto a 40 minutos diarios, durante 5 días de la semana al programa Fast ForWord en comparación con el grupo control (24 estudiantes) que continuó con el periodo de lectura libre durante 40 minutos diarios. Consideramos que es necesario continuar con más investigaciones con estudiantes monolingües para ver el efecto de Fast ForWord en niños que no están en entornos de habla inglesa, así como estudiar el efecto del programa en otras funciones ejecutivas
Working memory is an executive function needed to learn math, reading and writing (Engle, Tuhoiski, Laughlin y Conway, 1999). In Peru, we have a high rate of children who can not understand what they read or even can not read as they should for their grade level even though they are at secondary (MINEDU, 2014). In this study we demonstrate how the use of technology through the Fast ForWord neuroscientific program significantly increases working memory levels in its three dimensions, visuospatial pad, central executive and phonological loop in fifth grade students of a private bilingual school in Santiago de Surco, Lima. The results of this study could be replicated and thus achieve a positive impact for realities like ours, where a proposal is needed to reduce the low reading and mathematical performance reflected in the PISA 2012 test (MINEDU, 2014). The study was carried out throughout 8 weeks in which the experimental group (24 students) was exposed for 40 minutes daily during 5 days a week to the Fast ForWord program compared to the control group (24 students) that continued with the free reading period during 40 minutes daily. We consider, it is necessary to continue with more research with monolingual students to see the effect of Fast ForWord on children who are not in English speaking environments, as well as to study the effect of the program on other executive functions.
Working memory is an executive function needed to learn math, reading and writing (Engle, Tuhoiski, Laughlin y Conway, 1999). In Peru, we have a high rate of children who can not understand what they read or even can not read as they should for their grade level even though they are at secondary (MINEDU, 2014). In this study we demonstrate how the use of technology through the Fast ForWord neuroscientific program significantly increases working memory levels in its three dimensions, visuospatial pad, central executive and phonological loop in fifth grade students of a private bilingual school in Santiago de Surco, Lima. The results of this study could be replicated and thus achieve a positive impact for realities like ours, where a proposal is needed to reduce the low reading and mathematical performance reflected in the PISA 2012 test (MINEDU, 2014). The study was carried out throughout 8 weeks in which the experimental group (24 students) was exposed for 40 minutes daily during 5 days a week to the Fast ForWord program compared to the control group (24 students) that continued with the free reading period during 40 minutes daily. We consider, it is necessary to continue with more research with monolingual students to see the effect of Fast ForWord on children who are not in English speaking environments, as well as to study the effect of the program on other executive functions.
Palabras clave
Memoria, Aprendizaje, Estudiantes, Programa Fast Forword, Neurociencias, Lima Metropolitana, Área (Perú), Educación
Puente, P. y Valencia, D. (2020). Efectos del programa neurocientífico Fast Forword en el mejoramiento de la memoria de trabajo en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de un centro educativo privado de Lima [Tesis de maestría, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12833/2093