Actitudes de los padres de familia del cuarto grado de primaria de una institución educativa EIB del distrito de Ccarhuayo – Quispicanchi – Cusco sobre la educación intercultural bilingüe
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
La investigación tuvo por objetivo describir las actitudes de los padres de familia del cuarto grado de primaria de la IE 50494 Ccarhuayo – Quispicanchi, Cusco sobre la educación intercultural bilingüe - EIB. Para ello se optó por una investigación cualitativa, tipo básica y diseño fenomenológico, técnica de entrevista focal o focus group, que se aplicó a una muestra de padres de familia, quienes opinaron libremente sobre la implementación de la EIB en su comunidad y en su IE. Entre los resultados, los entrevistados muestran una actitud favorable hacia la educación interculturalidad bilingüe, a pesar de no poseer una comprensión completa del significado de la EIB; sin embargo, tienen una serie de observaciones al proceso de implementación, tanto al uso y enseñanza de las lenguas, la valoración de los saberes y prácticas de la cultura local, así como a la participación en la gestión de los aprendizajes; consideran que hay serias limitaciones. Según los padres de familia, en la práctica, la educación intercultural bilingüe en la IE de su comunidad es sólo de nombre, no existe una oferta educativa coherente con la lengua quechua y el contexto cultural. Desde esta percepción demandan una EIB pertinente y de calidad para sus hijos.
The objective of the research was to describe the attitudes of parents of the fourth grade of primary school of IE 50494 Ccarhuayo – Quispicanchi, Cusco regarding bilingual intercultural education - EIB. To do so, a qualitative research, basic type and phenomenological design, focal interview technique or focus group, was chosen, which was applied to a sample of parents, who freely expressed their opinions about the implementation of EIB in their community and in their IE. Among the results, the interviewees show a favorable attitude towards bilingual intercultural education, despite not having a complete understanding of the meaning of EIB; however, they have a series of observations about the implementation process, both regarding the use and teaching of languages, the assessment of knowledge and practices of local culture, as well as participation in the management of learning; they consider that there are serious limitations. According to parents, in practice, bilingual intercultural education in their community's IE is only in name, there is no educational offer that is coherent with the Quechua language and the cultural context. Based on this perception, they demand a relevant and quality EIB for their children.
The objective of the research was to describe the attitudes of parents of the fourth grade of primary school of IE 50494 Ccarhuayo – Quispicanchi, Cusco regarding bilingual intercultural education - EIB. To do so, a qualitative research, basic type and phenomenological design, focal interview technique or focus group, was chosen, which was applied to a sample of parents, who freely expressed their opinions about the implementation of EIB in their community and in their IE. Among the results, the interviewees show a favorable attitude towards bilingual intercultural education, despite not having a complete understanding of the meaning of EIB; however, they have a series of observations about the implementation process, both regarding the use and teaching of languages, the assessment of knowledge and practices of local culture, as well as participation in the management of learning; they consider that there are serious limitations. According to parents, in practice, bilingual intercultural education in their community's IE is only in name, there is no educational offer that is coherent with the Quechua language and the cultural context. Based on this perception, they demand a relevant and quality EIB for their children.
Palabras clave
Relación escuela-familia, Educación Intercultural, Educación Bilingüe, Lengua quechua, Cultura andina, Educación básica primaria, Quispicanchi, Cusco (Perú : Provincia), Educación
Quispe, E. (2024). Actitudes de los padres de familia del cuarto grado de primaria de una institución educativa EIB del distrito de Ccarhuayo – Quispicanchi – Cusco sobre la educación intercultural bilingüe [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.