Empatía y síndrome de desgaste profesional (Burnout) en docentes de educación básica regular de Lima Metropolitana
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación
entre la empatía y el síndrome de desgaste profesional (burnout) en docentes de
educación básica regular de Lima Metropolitana.
El tipo de investigación es básica descriptiva correlacional con un diseño no
experimental transversal de alcance correlacional. Los participantes fueron 249
docentes del nivel de primaria y de secundaria, elegidos por conveniencia, que
laboran en diferentes distritos de Lima Metropolitana. Para medir empatía se utilizó
el Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) en su adaptación española. El síndrome de
desgaste profesional (burnout) se midió a través del Inventario de Burnout de
Maslach- ES, en su adaptación para población peruana.
Los resultados mostraron que las variables medidas presentaban
correlaciones no lineales fuertes y muy fuertes estadísticamente significativas,
obteniendo la mayor correlación la relación entre Toma de Perspectiva (empatía
cognitiva) y Realización Personal (burnout) con un coeficiente de .998, seguida por
las otras relaciones establecidas entre la Realización Personal con los demás
componentes de la empatía. El nivel de correlación más bajo fue de .685 y lo obtuvo
la relación entre Fantasía (empatía cognitiva) y Despersonalización (burnout).
En este contexto, se considera muy importante que la información obtenida
sea de conocimiento de las autoridades educativas de los sectores público y
privado para que se diseñen políticas educativas y se implementen acciones que
conlleven al desarrollo de medidas de prevención e intervención que aborden esta
The principal aim of this research is to determinate the relation between empathy and the professional burnout syndrome in teachers from basic regular education of Metropolitan Lima. This study is a basic descriptive correlational with a non experimental transverse design of scope correlational. The participants in this study were 249 elementary and high school teachers, chosen for convenience, which worked in different districts of Metropolitan Lima. The Spanish adaptation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) was used to measure empathy. Burnout was measured through the Peruvian adaptation of Maslach Burnout Inventory-ES. Results showed that the measured variables are statistically significant with strong and very strong non-linear correlations values. The highest correlation was found between Perspective Taking (cognitive empathy) and Personal Accomplishment (burnout) with .998 as coefficient, followed by another relation of Personal Accomplishment with the other components of empathy. The lowest correlation value was .685 obtained by the relation between Fantasy Scale (cognitive empathy) and Depersonalization (burnout). In this context, it is crucial to communicate the information obtained in this research to educational authorities from private and public areas in order to create educational policies that will guide the development of preventive and intervention actions in the professional training and labor practices of teachers in our country.
The principal aim of this research is to determinate the relation between empathy and the professional burnout syndrome in teachers from basic regular education of Metropolitan Lima. This study is a basic descriptive correlational with a non experimental transverse design of scope correlational. The participants in this study were 249 elementary and high school teachers, chosen for convenience, which worked in different districts of Metropolitan Lima. The Spanish adaptation of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) was used to measure empathy. Burnout was measured through the Peruvian adaptation of Maslach Burnout Inventory-ES. Results showed that the measured variables are statistically significant with strong and very strong non-linear correlations values. The highest correlation was found between Perspective Taking (cognitive empathy) and Personal Accomplishment (burnout) with .998 as coefficient, followed by another relation of Personal Accomplishment with the other components of empathy. The lowest correlation value was .685 obtained by the relation between Fantasy Scale (cognitive empathy) and Depersonalization (burnout). In this context, it is crucial to communicate the information obtained in this research to educational authorities from private and public areas in order to create educational policies that will guide the development of preventive and intervention actions in the professional training and labor practices of teachers in our country.
Palabras clave
Síndrome de desgaste profesional, Empatía, Educación básica regular, Profesores, Lima Metropolitana, Área (Perú), Perú, Educación
Romero, K. (2018). Empatía y síndrome de desgaste profesional (Burnout) en docentes de educación básica regular de Lima Metropolitana [Tesis de maestría, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12833/1919