Estudio de prefactibilidad para la producción y comercialización de macerados a base de plantas medicinales en la provincia de Arequipa, 2021
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
Esta investigación se basó en el estudio de prefactibilidad de una planta productora de macerados a base de plantas medicinales, para lo cual se realizó un estudio de mercado, estudio de planta, planteamiento organizacional, un análisis ambiental y un estudio económico-financiero. Para el estudio de mercado, se realizó una encuesta dirigida a 384 personas de Arequipa, de la cual se obtuvo que, existe un grado de aceptación de 62%, con apoyo del análisis de frecuencia de consumo se calculó una demanda proyectada mayor a las 102 mil botellas para el primer año. Por otro lado, para el estudio técnico se determinó un tamaño de planta en base a la demanda, para lo cual se establecieron requerimiento de máquinas y personal, dando como resultado a su vez un requerimiento de espacio de 203.41 m2, así mismo se utilizó el sistema HACCP para mantener la inocuidad alimentaria, la calidad de la materia prima e insumos. En cuanto al nombre comercial de la empresa se estableció como “Paicu” y se definió como una sociedad anónima cerrada. El estudio ambiental arrojó resultados favorables. Por último, el estudio económico arrojó indicadores económicos de rentabilidad de: VANE (S/ 123,622.96), TIRE (16%) y un ratio de B/C mayor a 1 (1.13). Concluyendo así, que este proyecto es factible en implementación.
This research was based on the pre-feasibility study of a plant that produces macerates based on medicinal plants, for which a market study, a plant study, an organizational approach, an environmental analysis and an economic-financial study were carried out. For the market study, a survey was carried out directed at 384 people from Arequipa, from which it was obtained that there is a degree of acceptance of 62%, with the support of the consumption frequency analysis, a projected demand greater than 102 was calculated. thousand bottles for the first year. On the other hand, for the technical study, a plant size was determined based on demand, for which machine and personnel requirements were established, resulting in a space requirement of 203.41 m2, likewise the HACCP system to maintain food safety, the quality of raw materials and inputs. Regarding the commercial name of the company, it was established as "Paicu" and it was defined as a closed corporation. The environmental study yielded favorable results. Finally, the economic study showed economic profitability indicators of: VANE (S/ 123,622.96), TIRE (16%) and a B/C ratio greater than 1 (1.13). Thus concluding that this project is feasible in implementation.
This research was based on the pre-feasibility study of a plant that produces macerates based on medicinal plants, for which a market study, a plant study, an organizational approach, an environmental analysis and an economic-financial study were carried out. For the market study, a survey was carried out directed at 384 people from Arequipa, from which it was obtained that there is a degree of acceptance of 62%, with the support of the consumption frequency analysis, a projected demand greater than 102 was calculated. thousand bottles for the first year. On the other hand, for the technical study, a plant size was determined based on demand, for which machine and personnel requirements were established, resulting in a space requirement of 203.41 m2, likewise the HACCP system to maintain food safety, the quality of raw materials and inputs. Regarding the commercial name of the company, it was established as "Paicu" and it was defined as a closed corporation. The environmental study yielded favorable results. Finally, the economic study showed economic profitability indicators of: VANE (S/ 123,622.96), TIRE (16%) and a B/C ratio greater than 1 (1.13). Thus concluding that this project is feasible in implementation.
Palabras clave
Estudios de viabilidad, Macerados, Plantas medicinales, Producción, Comercio, Arequipa (Perú : Departamento), Ingeniería industrial
Patiño, H. y Rodriguez, M. (2023). Estudio de prefactibilidad para la producción y comercialización de macerados a base de plantas medicinales en la provincia de Arequipa, 2021 [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.