Relación entre resiliencia y habilidades socioemocionales en adolescentes varones y mujeres de educación secundaria de una institución educativa particular
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
La presente investigación fue abordada desde el aporte de la neurociencia a la educación. El objetivo general fue establecer la relación entre la resiliencia y las habilidades socioemocionales en adolescentes varones y mujeres de Educación Secundaria de una institución educativa particular. Esta tesis corresponde al paradigma cuantitativo y con un alcance correlacional. El diseño es no experimental, transeccional, descriptivo - correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 202 varones y 74 mujeres entre 11 y 18 años, estudiantes de primero a quinto grado de un colegio particular de Tarma, región Junín, Perú. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Resiliencia SV-RES para jóvenes y adultos elaborada por Saavedra y Villalta (2008) y el Inventario de Inteligencia Emocional de BarOn ICE: NA validado por Ugarriza y Pajares (2005). Se evidenció una correlación moderada, positiva y estadísticamente significativa entre resiliencia y el cociente emocional para toda la muestra (N = 276, r = 0,638, p < ,001), para los participantes de sexo masculino (n = 202, r = 0.636, p < ,001) y de sexo femenino (n = 74, r = 0,641, p < ,001), concluyendo que a mayores niveles de resiliencia le corresponden mejores habilidades socioemocionales en adolescentes varones y mujeres. Se concluye que todas las hipótesis son aceptadas. En el análisis complementario al comparar según sexo en torno a las variables de estudio, se evidenció que solamente en el componente Interpersonal las mujeres (M = 36,62) presentan un puntaje promedio mayor que los varones (M = 34,24) y esa diferencia (-2,379) es estadísticamente significativa (t = -2,661, p < ,01).
The present investigation was approached from the contribution of neuroscience to education. The general objective was to establish the relationship between resilience and socio-emotional skills in male and female secondary school students from a particular educational institution. This thesis corresponds to the quantitative paradigm and with a correlational scope. The design is non-experimental, transectional, descriptive - correlational. The sample consisted of 202 men and 74 women between 11 and 18 years old, students from first to fifth grade of a private school in Tarma, Junín region, Peru. The instruments used were the Resilience Scale SV-RES for youth and adults prepared by Saavedra and Villalta (2008) and the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory ICE: NA validated by Ugarriza and Pajares (2005). There was a moderate, positive and statistically significant correlation between resilience and emotional quotient for the whole sample (N = 276, r = 0.638, p <0.001), for male participants (n = 202, r = 0.636, p <0.001) and female sex (n = 74, r = 0.641, p <0.001), concluding that higher levels of resilience correspond to better socio-emotional skills in male and female adolescents. It is concluded that all hypotheses are accepted. In the complementary analysis when comparing according to sex around the study variables, it was evidenced that only in the Interpersonal component women (M = 36.62) have a higher average score than men (M = 34.24) and that difference (-2,379) is statistically significant (t = -2,661, p <, 01).
The present investigation was approached from the contribution of neuroscience to education. The general objective was to establish the relationship between resilience and socio-emotional skills in male and female secondary school students from a particular educational institution. This thesis corresponds to the quantitative paradigm and with a correlational scope. The design is non-experimental, transectional, descriptive - correlational. The sample consisted of 202 men and 74 women between 11 and 18 years old, students from first to fifth grade of a private school in Tarma, Junín region, Peru. The instruments used were the Resilience Scale SV-RES for youth and adults prepared by Saavedra and Villalta (2008) and the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory ICE: NA validated by Ugarriza and Pajares (2005). There was a moderate, positive and statistically significant correlation between resilience and emotional quotient for the whole sample (N = 276, r = 0.638, p <0.001), for male participants (n = 202, r = 0.636, p <0.001) and female sex (n = 74, r = 0.641, p <0.001), concluding that higher levels of resilience correspond to better socio-emotional skills in male and female adolescents. It is concluded that all hypotheses are accepted. In the complementary analysis when comparing according to sex around the study variables, it was evidenced that only in the Interpersonal component women (M = 36.62) have a higher average score than men (M = 34.24) and that difference (-2,379) is statistically significant (t = -2,661, p <, 01).
Palabras clave
Resiliencia, Habilidades sociales, Emociones en adolescentes, Adolescentes, Educación básica secundaria, Educación