Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una empresa proveedora de servicios de internet de alta velocidad mediante fibra óptica en la ciudad de Arequipa, 2021
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Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
El presente estudio se desarrolló bajo el objetivo de determinar la factibilidad para la instalación de una empresa proveedora de servicios de internet de alta velocidad mediante fibra óptica en la ciudad de Arequipa. La investigación tiene un diseño no experimental descriptivo, en el cual, el instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta para una muestra de 384 viviendas de Arequipa.
Los resultados del estudio de mercado identificaron una creciente demanda de internet debido al incremento de las actividades virtualizadas por la pandemia; de acuerdo a proyecciones para el año 2022 en la ciudad de Arequipa se estima 8,172 viviendas que demandan el servicio, para efectos del proyecto se toma como plan de inicio una operación centralizada en el distrito de JLByR, con una demanda de 635 usuarios. De modo que, por criterio tecnológico se define la capacidad de la planta para el abastecimiento de 1024 usuarios inicialmente, además se adopta una arquitectura de red FTTH. En base al estudio económico-financiero se determina una inversión de S/600,042.58. Los resultados de la evaluación arrojaron indicadores que avalan su rentabilidad financiera, un VANE de S/ 246, 796 una TIRE de 20.97% y un ratio B/C de 1.41.
The present study was developed under the objective of determining the feasibility for the installation of a company that provides high-speed internet services through fiber optics in the city of Arequipa. The research has a non-experimental descriptive design, in which the instrument used was the survey for a sample of 384 homes in Arequipa. The results of the market study identified a growing demand for the Internet due to the increase in virtualized activities due to the pandemic; According to projections for the year 2022 in the city of Arequipa, an estimated 8,172 homes demand the service. For the purposes of the project, a centralized operation in the JLByR district is taken as the initial plan, with a demand of 635 users. So, by technological criterion, the capacity of the plant to supply 1024 users is defined, in addition, an FTTH network architecture is adopted. Based on the economic-financial study, an investment of S/600,042.58 is determined. The results of the evaluation yielded indicators that support its financial profitability, a VANE of S/ 246, 796, an EIRR of 20.97% and a B/C ratio of 1.41.
The present study was developed under the objective of determining the feasibility for the installation of a company that provides high-speed internet services through fiber optics in the city of Arequipa. The research has a non-experimental descriptive design, in which the instrument used was the survey for a sample of 384 homes in Arequipa. The results of the market study identified a growing demand for the Internet due to the increase in virtualized activities due to the pandemic; According to projections for the year 2022 in the city of Arequipa, an estimated 8,172 homes demand the service. For the purposes of the project, a centralized operation in the JLByR district is taken as the initial plan, with a demand of 635 users. So, by technological criterion, the capacity of the plant to supply 1024 users is defined, in addition, an FTTH network architecture is adopted. Based on the economic-financial study, an investment of S/600,042.58 is determined. The results of the evaluation yielded indicators that support its financial profitability, a VANE of S/ 246, 796, an EIRR of 20.97% and a B/C ratio of 1.41.
Palabras clave
Estudios de viabilidad, Empresas, Internet, Fibra óptica, Arequipa (Perú : Departamento), Ingeniería industrial
Arce, C. (2024). Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una empresa proveedora de servicios de internet de alta velocidad mediante fibra óptica en la ciudad de Arequipa, 2021 [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya]. Repositorio Institucional UARM.